Posted by Barbara Bartholomew
The Rotary Club of Fonthill have received a matching grant from our District 7090 for the purchase of 8 new laptop computers for Niagara Peninsula Homes.The laptop computers are desperately needed to provide continuing education to women and youth in our community.

Brenda Martin at Niagara Women's Enterprise Centre is thrilled that Rotary is able to provide funding for their new computers. Brenda runs the computer based programs to offer continuing education to women throughout Niagara.
The Team Energi program for youth on construction trades is managed by David Young. It shall also benefit by the purchase of new computers. Both programs will also be assisted by Rotarians once the new computers are in use at their specific sites. Laptop computers can be taken to various locations as required by the Team Managers.
We look forward to volunteering with Niagara Peninsula Homes in regards to their District Grant #107. Much Gratitude to District 7090 Grants Committee!

The Rotary Foundation funds district grants and global grants. District grants are block grants to districts that
fund scholarships, projects, and travel that align with the mission of The Rotary Foundation, which is to enable
Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support
of education, and the alleviation of poverty.