The Rotary Club of Fonthill in partnership with Rotary International District 7090 has gifted $5000 to I-CAN-T.E.R. to purchase a horse drawn lawn mower. Details of Equipment: Pioneer Horse Drawn Gang Rotary Mower Pulled by Chester I CAN-T.E.R.’s 11yr Percheron Canadian Cross I-CAN-T.E.R. Farm is a therapeutic equestrian riding association and allows individuals with barriers to flourish through nature, gardens and horses. They are in planning stage to create and maintain a vegetable garden on the property which will be used for individual training and required maintenance. In concert with this new project, we are purchasing a horse drawn mower. Delivery is expected this spring and we look forward to seeing this mower using true horse power in action! Story:
Owner: Mel Groom
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